Online Focus Group on Business Technologies

Nationwide, USA ยท Posted on 12/18/2018


By participating in this research, you can earn$150/ $250 [ for completion of diary entries throughout a 5-day work week. In addition, completing the diary entries for the full work week qualifies you for a chance to earn another $150 for participating in a 60-minute one-on-one interview done remotely via an online meeting platform.


In its entirety, this research study will require you to:

PHASE 1: Complete a diary study, consisting of 5 to 8 search-specific entries plus 1 end-of-day entry each day during a 5-day work week from Monday, January 14 to Friday, January 18.


You will access and submit your diary entries using your work computer and an online platform called Revelation. You will be asked to download the free Revelation application onto your work computer and create a profile for us to communicate with you.


Each diary entry will be brief, as it’s designed to capture specific details about a search function you have just performed within an application. Thus, when you access a work application and use its search function to find information for a work task, you will need to switch gears and complete a diary entry in the Revelation platform to describe that situation for the researchers. We anticipate that you will be doing this type of search at least 5 times a day. We are very curious how you use your work tools to get the information you need to do your work tasks.


Each day of entries is worth $50 for you to earn $250 for full completion. Completion of this phase makes you eligible for Phase 2 selection. Phase 2 participation is not guaranteed.


PHASE 2: Selected participants will be invited to participate in a one-time, 60-minute one-on-one interview done remotely via an online meeting platform. The interview will take place between Thursday, January 31 and Monday, February 4.


Click here to apply


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