Breakfast Food Focus Group

Nationwide, USA ยท Posted on 07/22/2024

We are excited to invite you to participate in Funds for Focus’s exclusive and engaging 3-day online community focused on breakfast foods. This event will take place from August 5th to 7th and includes a mix of short daily sessions and a fun shopping task.

Event Details:
Dates: August 5th – 7th, 2024
Format: 30 minutes per day for the first two days, and 60 minutes on the third day
Shopping Task: Visit your local grocery store or market to purchase specific food items, with up to $100 reimbursement for grocery purchases

This is a unique opportunity for both professional chefs and general consumers to come together for insightful discussions. By committing just 30 minutes on two days and 60 minutes on the third day, you will not only engage in stimulating conversations but also have the chance to earn an honorarium:
$350 for chefs
$250 for consumers

As part of the community, you will create a dish using the purchased ingredients and answer some questions about your experience. Submit your receipts on our platform to be reimbursed.
We look forward to your participation and valuable insights.

Please note that not all applicants will qualify. If you pre-qualify, you will be contacted for further screening and scheduling.

Click here to apply

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